People Are Coughing Up Cash for Costly Dating Apps
“Matchmaking is for people whose time is really valuable to them, they don’t want to waste an entire Saturday night on someone who is say, a liar,”…
Is Using a Matchmaker Different Than Swiping on Dating Apps?
“Unlike dating apps meant to keep users swiping, Hahn wants clients to find serious relationships. If you’re investing (prices vary, based on the amount of time spent on a client), you’re probably looking for more than a first date followed by months of benching.”
Meet Manhattan’s Most Exclusive Matchmakers
“More than 100 members of LF are currently in long term relationships. And unlike Tinder, LF has an 85 percent success rate for long term relationships. Everything about the experience is decidedly up-to-date, with a strong social media presence that would make most people consider signing up.”